Thursday, 28 March 2013

Two Ideas (Expanded)

First Idea

Start to second idea

I carried out several ideas and expanded on these two theme: the two ideas I expanded on were the pencil idea in the theme of respect and my life idea which was for self- development.

On these mindmaps I found out more information and did a thorough mind map of things that were important to these particular ideas. For example I wrote the synopsis of the idea, the props that were needed, characters, sound effects, genre and target audience.

My first idea I came up with was the pencil idea. The idea of this was that they were two pencils: one of them was bigger than the other. The smaller one gave the bigger one advice and didnt listen and it tells that you should listen and respect your elders or other people. This genre of the stop motion would be a comedy because it uses two everyday objects and manipulates them into a conversation I thought this idea was good to use because it would make the audience remember. The target audience for this particular stop motion was aimed at teenagers because it is telling an important message about respecting people such as elders, teachers, family etc.  I also talked about the sound effects such as sketching sounds to add impact. The characters I drew out and made them known which were which and wrote a bit of a description about them.

The second idea was called my life. The story of this particular idea was a clock that each number represented each stage of life. At each number you achieve a different goal even when it is hard. The target audience was aimed at the same age group at young adults and teenagers because it is telling people to reach for their full potential. I also listed the props that I was going to use such as whiteboard, pen, cloth and maybe a clock. The main character in this was a drawn character as this was whiteboard animation and it will be a girl that will go through this development of life. 

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