Thursday, 28 March 2013


The storyboard sheets for this project

On 14th October, I started doing paperwork for my final idea of each shot of the VT item it took me about half an hour to hour today whilst I decided each shot was going to be. Also, for adding in the shot, angle, size and transitions for when I will be filming and editing it would make it easier. I then used my storyboard as a guidance for my shot list and also added the storyboard number, the dialogue and audio for the shot in the actual VT item. I created a breakdown sheet only one as I were in one location and then wrote the cast that I needed and the crew members, costumes and everything I needed for production.

I then make a floor plan of my chosen location for filming my video whilst I did that I did a camera plan and risk assessments to see if the place is safe. I then put the camera plan into a shooting order and put in storyboard number and camera the locations.

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