Thursday, 28 March 2013

Storyboard/dope sheet

Before and after my pitch to the client I had begun with creating my storyboards. After my pitch I based it on the same idea but just adjusted my storyboards so that it'd make more sense and flow better. As I realised from the beginning my idea didn't make complete sense and could confuse a viewer, which is not what you want when you are trying to make it appeal to them. Each shot I described the beginning of the movement like for example at the beginning with a small circle then I showed the end shot of where I wanted to get to in the next frames.

I did 9 shots and each shot shows two photos from beginning to end. I put in which shot types, duration, and sound.  I also wrote about what will happen from what shot to another. I got my worked signed off on 14th March so that I could get on with taking my photos. 

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