Wednesday, 27 March 2013


Yesterday, Wednesday 19th January I created a storyboard to fit my treatment that followed the story of a young man following of his back after training and being told he weren't allow to carry on but he was determined to fulfil his dream.

I added notes towards my storyboard about camera movements, camera angles, audio and dialogue so when I create my shot list and film I will know what happens in each shot and where to be for that shot. I found it a little difficult to put my idea into a storyboard whilst trying to make it look effective and finally decided to use a look that it would be a switch in camera so it puts us in the bikers position.

After that I created a shot list in reference for my storyboard to make it easier on the day of filming this included putting shot angles, audio and the idea in each shot. I then found out the information from my cast to see what equipment and props that were needed and I put these into my breakdown sheet and were created for each different scene and location.

Earlier on in the day I went to each location and made several floor plans to show where everything is and filled out risk assessments to make sure where all the risks are and what I can control this from any accidents happening. While I was their I took some production stills of the areas to prove that the area is safe and how it is like. When I got back I made
a digital floor plan from google maps to make each place more accurate.

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