Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Post- production

On Friday 23rd March I captured my footage on to Final Cut and then renamed the appropriate shots that were needed so I could easily put them together. This was a bit time consuming as it nearly took up a lot of the lesson where I would carry on the following lesson on 27th March.

I carried on editing on 27th March where I cut out some clips and made them appropriate and to the only bits that were needed this were quite time consuming and was a bit of a problem as it were the deadline day. I realised some of my footage weren't there so I was trying to overcome the problem by using outakes from the video whilst practicing and some clips from my original music video 'Cannonball'. Overall, I didn't finish my music video but had to export it while some clips were not included I was disappointed as I didn't reach the standard I wanted too.

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