Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Pre- production

On 8th March I annotated a sheet with my lyrics for the song I choose 'Cannonball', Damien Rice and explained for each line my idea that I later wanted to interpret into a Music Video. I went out to each of my locations I were planning on filming and made a risk assessments of any the risks that are there and what I could do to prevent and accident from happening and drew a rough sketch of a floor plan and took location skills. When I got home I then did a digital version of my storyboards so they would be known to be more clear and put together some locations skills for extra evidence on risks and what the place is like.

That I later on 13th March developed into a storyboard that would should show shot by shot my ideas and what would be happening in each scene that took me a few hours to do as I would draw out each sequence in a shot and then later on add in durations time for each shot, angles, size, dialogue and transitions that will be useful for the next stages of production. After creating the storyboards I used my information of that to then help put together a shot list that would include the storyboard number which is the shot in the video, the dialogue or in this case lyrics that were used and then visuals which just helps explain what is happening in the shot itself. When I knew what I wanted to do in my video and where each shot were going to be taken I created a breakdown sheet per location and took note of the cast needed, props, crew members, costumes and many other things that would help me to make the project look do able and professional.

The next day on 14th March I put together a camera plan that I needed the shot list and floor plan to create as I needed to know what each locations looked like and where I was planning on shooting each shot from and the shot list was needed so I could match up the storyboard number to each camera in the locations. After this I create a shooting order where I needed to refer back to shot list and camera plan as they would help me to decide what order to shoot each scene from this may depend on the cast what is more convinient to have cast waiting or the use of shot or where camera should stay. I then created a schedule that were useful and easy as it were very similar to my shooting order to show the order of each scene and what shots will in that scene.

On the 16th March I collected my stuff together and made up a call sheet with appropriate information for the cast so they know what we are doing and when and it shows where we will be moving each locations and having breaks.

Overall, pre-production took me about 5/6 hours to complete as they were travelling between each locations to then create seperate pieces of paperwork and then having to think of seperate shots to put into my storyboard and match the duration up to my shot. I feel my pre-production work has been successful and was planning to film my footage on Saturday 17th March.

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