Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Post- production

Yesterday, I started my post-production process by capturing my footage onto Final Cut Express. I was slightly excused from this process as I had to help a fellow class member by being in their footage, this took around 15 minutes because I had to go down into the studio and preform a line that will connect into her value. Then I helped another class member by having a picture taken for their slideshow. When I got back to my work I started to look through my footage and cut down snippits to the little clips and add them to the timeline.

From looking at my footage I have realised it didn't really fit the value inspiration and went mostly towards the side of determination. I messed round with a few of the clips to the storyboard and changed some of the locations into different area to make the video make more sense and to be more effective.

Today, I finished on with editing and after coming back to my work from the day before, I felt like I had to make a few changes I decided to shorten some of the clips because the video is fast moving with the biking it would make more sense and wouldn't get the audience as bored so quickly.

Some of the clips that were in my video such as the magazine section I felt didn't work very well with my value so I deleted them and this gave me more of a feel of determination and hopes it reaches out to people. I added in my audio track that I decided to change to 'Tubthumping' by Chumbawamba because it felt a more appropraite song to the video and to the selected audience. I cut down the song to about the first 24 seconds as I thought the verse didn't fit well with the footage and weren't very appropriate. I fitted the words to the action for example when he falls off the bike it is matched to the lyrics 'I get knocked down, but I get up again', this also adds some humour to the footage.

After that I have put in a fade to the fade out the music at the end and put in some text pages that crawl in and this adds the effect to the value and makes the video easy to understand. I then changed my quote at the end of the video to be a more of a determination as it gives of more effect and explains the video.

Tomorrow, I am going to be adding a few transitions to each of the different shots then I should be finished to export my final video. I've also helped four other class members today with their projects by being behind the camera and having my picture taken and talking.

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