Overall conclusion
Overall I feel my final project was quite successful and includes many strengths and weaknesses. I feel that it has reached out to my target audience but it was a weakness that my projects were intended to be for the value inspiration but didn’t fulfil my criteria. I feel that I good have done some better camera movements and shots because it didn’t feel very clear or good enough quality and this made it not as professional. But overall I am pleased with my work and feel my video ran through quite smoothly even with a lot of different angle movements and positions.
Areas of improvement
For my next project I want to be able to stick to my main criteria and not changing because I feel this isn’t very good when changing but for this project it was open to change. But i feel I can stick to if I make sure my storyboards are going to work and will stand out to the audience and understand everything they expect. I want to make sure next time the quality is a lot better so it doesn’t look a low and unprofessional quality because then it will make a better impression.
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