Thursday, 16 May 2013

Post- production (kids and pranks)

Today, we continued with post-production. I began with looking through all the clips that I might use and might not. I inserted all the necessary clips and cut them down to what I wanted to use them I used the storyboard and script to help me with this so they were in the right order.

I found a few problems, as they were not enough clips filmed for a particular part in where he says a line. The clip was very dark and couldn’t see the character for when he was talking. I spoke with the director about trying to film this particular bit again as it would work very well but he wanted to leave it so we did. Some shots didn’t quite fit together but I tried the best as I could to get through it and do it well.

Overall, I think this editing session went quite well except for minor errors in a few clips but apart from that I think it went well. I think that some of the footage is not as good as we were hoping but I think before the final cut we should reschedule and film it again.

Next lesson, I need work with the director to film some audio for particular bits in the shot film such as the answer machine and talking and whispering in the background when the character answers the phone and there is no response.

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