Thursday 16 May 2013

First cut feedback

Today, we watched everybody’s first cut of the short films and gave any constructive critism as we possibly can. The directors took notes so we could talk about them and think what we could do to change. We then got our feedback from the questionnaires we gave out.

The feedback from Kids and Pranks was not very positive. I expected this because I could see the down sides of the short film and I did not think it reached its full potential as it could have been.

Not many people liked the actual video they thought the acting wasn’t very suitable and seemed like it was staged and just fake. I agree with this I think out next shoot we are going to get in another actor as they would play this role a lot better and not be as fake. Also the shot where the character looks like a silhouette when he is speaking near the window everyone picked up on that which we also noticed and are planning to change.

The majority of people understood the concept of the film, which is a good thing, but our next shoot we need to make sure we make it more entertaining and make people want to watch it. They also thought the audio worked well.

The feedback from Pause was quite good they really liked the rewind but they thought it looked unnatural this is what we also picked up on and agreed and we are going to re shoot something’s as it is a little grainy. We also broke the 180 degree rule that we need to go back and reshoot because we swap when shooting over the shoulder.

The feedback from Trapped were very positive except from the first sequence were quite fake which I agree on because it didn’t look like something was actual happening. Also the lighting was picked up on because it didn’t look like it was as scary and dark as it was suppose to be.

We are going to go back out and film some appropriate scenes and also tweak some of the editing such as the sound clips of walking and breathing was a bit exaggerated and did not fit very well.

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