Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Group Presentation Pitch

In our session today we did not need to make any changes towards any of the presentations we felt we were happy with the information and that it had every applicable for example: synopsis, target audience, BBFC, constraints, budget, props etc.

In two of the groups Pause and Kids and Pranks, we discussed within our group how we were going to effectively pitch our ideas. We separated the slides up and had approximately three slides a person to get across clearly the idea and what we are expecting. I think I knew my production role and what I need to be doing but together as a group I feel we need to be more confident, address the group and be clear and precise. Next time I would like to feel I could be more confident in myself and put across to everybody why I am an asset crew member to that group.

Trapped the other short film, I am helping out on. I feel we did not come across well as a group I think we are going to work harder on communication and helping each other out. The director of the group did the majority of the reading out except from the other crew members who read out their role. To improve this I would like to come closer as a group and be all as confident as each other in the group and help each other out to make a great short film.

After our presentations, I found out from each of the crew members in all of the groups I am associated in when they are free to film and in lesson time so I as a production manager can start putting together a schedule. I will also be coming up with a contingency plan if we do not succeed in fitting in our original plan and time limits. I will be working on this between today and Thursday as well as other production paper along with my group members.

This is the availability of each of the crew members outside class:

Bryony (Camera operator in Kids and Pranks/ Trapped and editor in Pause) –
Bryony is free weekday and weekend till the 3rd of May.
After 3rd May she can do Monday morning, evening and weekends.

Daniel (Director in Pause and a sound operator in Kids and Pranks) –
Daniel can do any weekday. Not weekends.

Jonathan- (Director/Production Manager in Kids and Pranks and sound in Pause) –
Jonathan can do any weekday and weekends.

Elias- (Director/Editor of Trapped) –
Elias is free every weekday and weekend.
Not 2nd May midday.

Poppy- (Production Manager in Kids and Pranks, Pause and Trapped and Editor in Kids and Pranks) –
Poppy cannot do weekends or Thursdays.

Availability in class sessions -

Thursday 25th April
Monday 29th April
Tuesday 30th April
Thursday 2nd May
Tuesday 7th May – Part of the lesson
Thursday 9th May
Tuesday 14th May – First Cut – 5pm
Tuesday 21st May – Final Cut – 5pm

Red – Deadline
Yellow – Might have time to do some work in lesson. 

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